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Committee Guideline Keynote Speakers Focus Session Registration About Chiang Mai
Organizer Abstract Submission Regular Session Payment Methods Transportation
Sponsor Full paper Submission Special Session Student Travel Grant Accommodation
Overview Oral & Poster Presentation Awards Technical Tour VISA

Payment Methods

Home  > Registration > Payment Methods

Online Registration

Please log in with your ID and go to online registration and fill out the registration form.

Credit Card

Bank Transfer

Please make the bank transfer to the below account provided.
(Sender’s name MUST BE identical with the registrant’s name)

Bank Name Woori Bank
Account Number 1005-702-553069
Account Holder Korean Society for Precision Engineering
Bank Address 17 Worldcupbukro, Mapogu, Seoul, 03921, South Korea
*After completion of registration, the receipt can be output from the upper right My Page

Cancellation & Refund Policies

The PRESM Committee hopes everyone who registers for the conference will be able to attend. However, we understand that extenuating circumstances can arise. The following are the PRESM Cancellation and Refund Policies.

Conference Refund and Cancellation Policy

The PRESM Conference Cancellation and Refund Policy for the annual PRESM2025 conference is as follows:

* Conference registration canceled on or before June 8 (SUN), 2025 , is eligible for a refund.
* Registrants canceling on or after June 9 (MON), 2025 , will NOT receive a refund.
* In the event that PRESM2025 must cancel the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, KSPE will refund the
   registration cost.

Unforeseen Circumstances Defined for Refund and Cancellation Policies

Unforeseen circumstances refer to unexpected events that prevent PRESM from proceeding with the conference. Examples of such circumstances include but are not limited to, inclement weather or other natural disasters, site unavailability, technology challenges, and presenter absence.

For questions or to cancel the registration, please contact and
PRESM2025 Secretariat
*Abstract/Program: +82-2-6925-0710,
*Accounting: +82-2-393-0724,
*General : +82-2-518-0722(ext.6),
FAX: 82-2-518-2937
The Korean Society for Precision Engineering, SKY1004 bldg. 12F, 50-1 Junglim-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04508, Korea (President: Byung-Kwon Min)
ʷ, α׷: 02-6925-0710,
ȸ, , ȸ: 02-393-0724,
Ѱ : 02-518-0722(6),
FAX: 02-518-2937
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